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Selected tags: Calling Someone  


  • doushimashitaka


    Is anything wrong?

  • dou desuka


    How are you feeling?

  • doko ikuno

    どこ いくの

    Where are you going?

  • don・na ryouri ga sukidesuka

    どんな りょうりが すきですか

    What kinds of foods do you like?

  • nani yatteruno

    なに やってるの

    What are you doing?

  • hanashikakeru


    to speak to someone

  • fuku o nugimashou

    ふくを ぬぎましょう

    (I'll help you to) take off your clothes.

  • hokani nanika arimasenka

    ほかに なにか ありませんか

    Is there anything else?

  • mata ashita aimashou

    また あした あいましょう

    I'll see you again tomorrow.

  • mata ato de kimasu

    また あとで きます

    I'll come back later.

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