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Are you going to get up?
おくやみ もうしあげます
I express my sympathy ; I'm sorry for your loss
oshokujichuu ni shitsurei itashimasu
おしょくじちゅうに しつれい いたします
I'll be joining you at mealtime.
oshokuji wa manzokushite itadakemashitaka
おしょくじは まんぞくして いただけましたか
Did you have enough to eat? ; Was it good enough for you?
おしりを きれいにしましょう
I'll wash/wipe your bottom. ; Please wash/wipe your bottom.
I'll take care of you.
please take care
おはよう ございます
good morning
ofuro ni haittara kimochiiidesuyo
おふろに はいったら きもちいいですよ
Taking a bath will refresh you.
おふろに はいりましょう
It's time to take a bath.