choushi wa ikaga desuka
What shape are you in?
たなかさん、ちょうしは いかがですか。
Mr./Ms. Tanaka, how do you feel?
guai wa ikagadesuka
ぐあいは いかがですか
How do you feel?
okagen wa ikagadesuka
おかげんは いかがですか
How is your condition?
"aisatsu" (greetings) and "koekake" (calling someone) are fundamental to communication. It is good to try and speak with people in all kinds of situations.
あさはやくから すみません
I'm sorry to bother you so early in the morning.
あっちを むきましょう
Please turn that way.
あんしんして ねてください
Please relax and go to sleep.
いい おてんきですね
It's a nice day, isn't it?
one, two, three